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Michael Perkins
5/31/2007 5:07:34 PM
aeroponic tubes

I was looking to build anaeroponic system with 8" tubes for larger plants.I heard lowes had them $23 for a 10' length.Couldn't find them and the plumbing store wants like $9.00 a ft.Does anyone know where to find some 8" pvc tubes.
6/17/2007 8:45:52 PM
Re: aeroponic tubes

I use 4 inch tubes from Menards but I know they have 6 inch too which costs about $34 for a 10 foot tube. I have tomatoes and smaller plants in two 48 plant units and they do well. Tomatoes do put out a lot of roots and by the end of the season some may choke off the tubes makeing the water run out so the other plants down line get no water. I think I have the solution to that problem but I won't know till after this season. I don't know about 8 inch tubes. What are you growing that you feel needs a tube that big???
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