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9/8/2003 2:43:00 AM
Aeroponics experience

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Aeroponics?. I have just started an experiment using and old vapor mister, the kind your parents put in your room when you were a kid and had a cold (Not a Vick's Vaporizer). I yanked a "Fantastic" type tomatoe plant from my garden (yanked !...very carefully removed the plant) washed the soil from the roots mounted it on a screen with the roots protruding on the underside of the screen suspended of a very large rubbermaid 150 liter container to which my vapor mister resides at the bottom of the container with the nozzle misting the roots every 3 hours for half an hour and so far after 72 hours the plant has not even wilted yet.
My question is: Should I replace the water in the mister with a nutrient solution and if so, what should the nutrient solution consist of?.
9/8/2003 7:36:00 AM
Re: Aeroponics experience

that is an awesome idea. provided you have the correct watering cycle (and it sounds like you do), you will be fine. just keep an eye on your plants and watch for the wilt.

depending what stage the plant is in, you should be using either a Grow formula, or a Bloom formula. there is also the case of organic vs. non-organic (this all depends on your personal preference). if you choose an organic fertilizer, i would use either Age Old Organics, or Earth Juice. some good non-organic fertilizers are DynaGro and the General Hydroponics Flora Series. You can find the fertilizer list <a href = "">here</a>.

9/8/2003 8:36:00 AM
Re: Aeroponics experience

Thx for the reply Matt.
For now, I think it would be better to use a grow formula seeing that I haven't quite figured out how to take the wait off the plant when the tomatoes will start to grow, so I was hoping that I could get a brand (product)suggestion that dilutes well with water, so it won't block the suction tube..its kind of's not really an impellar but a cylindrical tube that spins in the water tank and somehow sucks up the water and atomizes it.
What are the combinations of fertilizer should I use? would a 20-20-20 be an over kill because it's really hard to determine what amounts of recondensed water that drip off the roots during the misting period actually get absorbed by the soil the roots can continuously leach out the nutrients where in air they just kind of roll off.

I know ...leaving the door open here for a massive amount of variables.
9/8/2003 10:28:00 AM
Re: Aeroponics experience

The suggestions I gave above (Age Old, Earth Juice, Flora Series, DynaGro) are all liquid fertilizers, so they will perfectly mix with the water.

Each product has it's own ratio to be mixed with the water to provide different NPK levels.

You are definitely on the right track.

9/9/2003 7:06:00 AM
Re: Aeroponics experience

Great, I'll give it a shot...thx for the info.
10/10/2004 2:33:00 PM
Aeroponics experience

My daughter and I are trying to create our own aeroponics system for her science fair projects. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can construct our own. The systems online are too expensive for our budget.
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