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Ryan Ostrander
1/26/2005 12:11:00 AM
Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

I am currently constructing a new aeroponics system. Key things I would like to know is:
1)How often & how long should I have the water on?
2)What type of fertilizer is most effective? Both with the plants, and cost wise. (System is quite large...)
3) What are the best nozzles to use and where do you get them? (I'm improvising with furnace nozzles currently)

Please, any advice is appreciated.
Ryan Ostrander
1/26/2005 12:31:00 AM
Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

I forgot to ask 1 other question:
4)I was planning in starting the plants in a 1.5 cubic inch rockwool cube then placing them in the grated cups filled with aquarium gravel. Any sugestions or is that good?
Green Thumb
1/26/2005 2:28:00 PM
Re: Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

1)An aeroponic system usually runs 24 hours a day
2)Fertilizer is completely up to you.You can buy cheap fertilizer which will go a long way but will give you a inferior product.The fertilizer I like best is Cornucopia Plus,grow, bloom, formula x,and plant acids.
green thumb
1/26/2005 2:37:00 PM
Re: Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

3)We sell raindrip products that have misters, sprayers and drippers.
4)Aquarium gravel is not the best to use as it doesn't have the right ion transfer that will help promote nutrient uptake.If you want to use a medium like that you should get pea gravel.Otherwise we sell L.E.C.A. stone (light expanded clay aggregate)

Ryan Ostrander
1/27/2005 9:05:00 PM
Re: Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

First thanx for the info. I see you have said to leave it on 24 hours. That was what I was thinking myself. But on many sights I have researched they say to have it 1min on 3min off and ofcourse variations of that.
Green Thumb
1/28/2005 1:25:00 PM
Re: Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

Everbody has thier own way to do things. If you do it that way you'll need to buy a timer.The reason they say to do that is so the roots have a chance to dry slightly.
Ryan Ostrander
1/28/2005 9:33:00 PM
Re: Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

Is it a good idea to let them dry a little? Or is that really not needed? Seems like it might be good for a breath of uninterupted fresh air.
Green Thumb
1/29/2005 11:53:00 AM
Re: Aeroponics: The New Endeavor

Actually they won't dry out,the water to air ratio changes which enables the plants roots to take in the different nutients at optimal levels.
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