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CD- 3 CO2 Generator (up to 500 cu ft)
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CD- 3 CO2 Generator (up to 500 cu ft)

Price: $510.99
Item #: cd-3 co2 generator
Shipping Weight: 10 lbs
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Item Description:
Carbon Dioxide Enrichment will dramatically increase the growth of green plants. Green plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and water in the presence of light to synthesize organic compounds. The plant then converts these organic compounds into elements that it can use (food). This process is called photosynthesis.

If any of these ingredients (CO2, water or light) are at levels below what the plant can use for maximum efficiency, it will only be able to perform at that level and no greater. Adding carbon dioxide to a growing environment that is not receiving proper nutrients or is low on light will not produce the desired results. Similarly, plants that are receiving plenty of sunshine and nutrients will only perform as well as the ambient level of CO2 will allow. The ambient level of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere is generally between 300 and 600 ppm. Most plants receive far more water and energy in the form of sunshine than they can use. Increasing the CO2 in the growing area will let the plant use the excess water and energy that is stored in the leaves. The result is a substantial increase in the growth rate of any plant that uses chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis.

Enrichment should commence at sunrise or when photoperiod begins and refrain during darkness hours. The average CO2 level that is recommended is 1000 to 2000 parts per million (PPM). The object is to maintain a constant level in the atmosphere. You can run a small unit continuously during photoperiods or you can use a larger unit and time it to function periodically. Where exhaust requirements are frequent, the latter method is preferable. After the exhaust function, the generator can be cycled to replenish CO2 quickly to maintain rapid plant photosynthesis.

Use the operation time charts at to determine the size of generator and the number of minutes of operation required for the level of CO2 desired. Frequency of recharge depends on the rate of consumption.

For the greatest fuel economy and accuracy of recharge it is recommended that the Green Air Products CO2 Monitor Controller (CDMC-2) be used with all generator and emitter systems.

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