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Type Of Lamp (ballast in parenthesis) Area Light Will Cover By Itself Area Light Will Cover With Sublight Cost per
16 Hour Day
@ 5 cents
per KWH
Light Spectrum Light Is Best Suited For
Metal Halide, MS (MH)
175 Watt
250 Watt
400 Watt
1000 Watt
2ft. x 2ft. (4 sq. ft.)
3ft. x 3ft. (9 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
3ft. x 3ft. (9 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
12ft. x 12ft. (144 sq. ft.)
Metal Halide is high in blue light, MS is also high in blue with a 30% boost in orange/red with more lumen output
MH: vegatative growth
MS: vegatative growth with some flowering
Full Spectrum Daylight (MH)
250 Watt
400 Watt
1000 Watt
3ft. x 3ft. (9 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
12ft. x 12ft. (144 sq. ft.)
Very high in blue/orange/red. A full spectrum light source.
Good for all stages of growth, greenhouse, and supplemental lighting.
High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
150 Watt
250 Watt
400 Watt
600 Watt
1000 Watt
2ft. x 2ft. (4 sq. ft.)
3ft. x 3ft. (9 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
7ft. x 7ft. (49 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
3ft. x 3ft. (9 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
10ft. x 10ft. (100 sq. ft.)
12ft. x 12ft. (144 sq. ft.)
Orange/red light. High lumen output per watt.
Flowering, production, greenhouse, and supplemental lighting.
Son Agro (HPS)
270 Watt
460 Watt
1075 Watt
3ft. x 3ft. (9 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
5ft. x 5ft. (25 sq. ft.)
8ft. x 8ft. (64 sq. ft.)
12ft. x 12ft. (144 sq. ft.)
Orange/red light, with a 30% boost in blue light over standard HPS lamps.
Flowering with some vegatative; production/greenhouse supplemental lighting.
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