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3/9/2003 8:13:00 AM

can anyone tell me what i should keep my ppm at for basic flowering plants?i'm growing in rockwool if that makes any diffrence.
The Green Thumbs
3/9/2003 12:22:00 PM
Re: PPM?

What kind of fertilizer are you using?
3/9/2003 8:50:00 PM
Re: PPM?

ESU greenleaves grow juice 14-7-20
The Green Thumbs
3/9/2003 11:52:00 PM
Re: PPM?

You will get a bunch of different answers to your question from anyone you ask, but we try to keep the levels around 500-600(max). Mind you, this is nitrogen PPM levels, not total PPM levels. You should always (if possible) measure your PPM with regards to the nitrogen content, not total content, as the other stuff in the water could be useless for your plants.
3/10/2003 12:30:00 PM
Re: PPM?

How do you measure only nitrogen ppm? Standard sensors measure total conductivity do they not?
3/10/2003 7:42:00 PM
Re: PPM?

I haven't tested it yet,my tester it on it's way just bought it. I think that it only tests total ppm.How do I measure the nitrogen?
3/10/2003 7:43:00 PM
Re: PPM?

i guess i dont no im a beginner
3/10/2003 7:48:00 PM
Re: PPM?

GREEN THUMB can you simplify it for me? What should it say on my meter to get best results?
The Green Thumbs
3/10/2003 11:42:00 PM
Re: PPM?

I think one of the ones you can use is the Rapitest Soil Test Kit. It says it's for soil, but I'm going to double check to see if you can use it as a water tester too. I'm going to post the product in our store so you can see what it's about, but I don't have the info in front of me right now. It should be up by Wednesday. It's pretty cheap product, right around $20 or so. But it allows you to test for each individual NPK level. I'll get back to you on that one.
3/11/2003 1:24:00 PM
Re: PPM?

Hi again,

I have a question about the relationship between microSiemens and ppm. I am thinking about growing Salvia divinorum. It took me a while but I found a document (in spanish) that had nutrient concentrations for salvia. It listed 1000-1400 uS/cm2. I'm not sure how that relates to ppm, which I am more familiar with. There were many other plants listed, so to guess I would say 1000-1400 is about half strength what I would use for tomatoes. Does that sound correct?
Also should I vary the relitive nutrient strengths? Should the N-K-P ratio be the same? (does it really matter what solution I use?)

Thanks, Paul
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